Blackcentr's first EP is still available for free!

There are multiple ways to get it digitally including a free option.

To download the Digital EP for free click on the link below:
(This does not include album art or the remix by DYM and are 192kbps mp3s)

Blankstand alone player

To download a high quality version of the EP  in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire
and includes the album art and bonus remix by DYM then go here:

To purchase the EP digitally on any of these stores below, follow the links or search the store for Blackcentr.

iTunes U.S. -iTunes Australia/N.Z. -iTunes Canada -iTunes UK/European Union - iTunes Japan - iTunes Mexico - Amazon MP3 - Spotify - MySpace Music - MediaNet - eMusic - Zune - Rhapsody - Nokia - Shockhound - Napster - Thumbplay - IMVU - Amie Street - LimeWire Store - Amazon On Demand - Vampirefreaks